ECO CUP Volleyball Tournament
"It's not the team with the best players that win. It's the players with the best team that wins"
St Aloysius College Harihar conducted Eco Cup Volleyball Tournament on 24th of November 2019. The motive of this tournament is to celebrate caring for earth our
common home. Preparations for Eco cup began one month prior. With the strike of 10am, the ground witnessed all players ready to display their skills.
The inauguration began at 9am. The chief guest for the day was Fr Rohan D Almeda SJ Principal of St Joseph's CBSC School Bangalore. The president for the day
was Fr Eric Mathias SJ superior and Principal of St Aloysius college. Other guests are Kodabala Maheshwara Environmental Engineer, Fr Pradeep Sequeira SJ
finance officer of St Aloysius college, Mr Sunny Gudino principal of PU College, Br Jaison Lobo and Mr Manjunath Physical Director of St Aloysius College.
Fr Rohan D Almera SJ addressed the audience where he spoke about the importance of Sports. He began his speech by saying that the first sport ever played
by humans are Hunting. He also narrated the life story of a sportsman who achieved so many gold medals in his life and when he reached his old age all the
gold medals which he achieved did not help him to live but the friendship he made during the time he was young helped him at his old age. All the team mates,
opponents, juniors they were not just players but a family. After the inauguration the whistle sounds echoed the ears of audience, feet of the players
touched the ground, ball flew on the air, and then began the first match. Match was played in two courts simultaneously. Fourteen teams within and outside
Karnataka participated in the Match. Ms Princy Flavia Pinto and Mr Shivkumar Lecturers of St Aloysius College conquered the hearts of the audience by their
Active Commandery. Under the scorching hot sun not even losing a single percent of energy the players aimed for the Cup. The real meaning of team work could
be seen on the ground. When the shade fell on ground the whistle sound once again echoed in the ears. The last match got over at 5pm. It was then the time to
announce the winners. Jindal group grabbed the first place. Not tiredness but bright wide smile could be seen on their faces. South West Railways won the
second prize. Coimbatore team won the third prize and fourth prize by Team Malebennur. The event was a success in every respect. It was a great experience
for all the players. The day ended with formal valedictory function. Fr Rohan D Almeda SJ, Fr Eric Mathias SJ, Fr Pradeep Sequeira SJ, Mr Sunny Gudinho,
Br Jaison and Mr Manjunath were present during the Valedictory. Ms Rashmitha Lecturer of Physics delivered the vote of thanks. The day ended with a National