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Science Elevation: A Spectacular National Science Day Celebration at St. Aloysius PU College, Harihar (28th February 2024)

The National Science Day was celebrated with enthusiasm and fervor at St. Aloysius PU College, Harihar. The event commenced just before the assembly at 8:50 am and concluded with the singing of the national anthem.

The celebration began with a warm welcome speech by Varsha Choudhary from 2nd Science, expressing the importance of science and its role in shaping the future. The principal, Mr. Pushpalatha Urs, Vice-Principals, Mr. Mouseen Ulla, and Mr. Pascal Fernandes, along with all the teaching and non-teaching staff were present.

Sinclitica from 2nd Science led her group in a prayer song. Students showcased their talents through various cultural items and science-themed performances, creating an engaging and educational atmosphere. Baptist from 2nd Science actively emphasized the significance of National Science Day, commemorating Sir C.V. Raman's discovery of the Raman Effect.

They highlighted the importance of scientific advancements in addressing global challenges and fostering innovation. The event served not only as a platform for cultural expression but also promoted scientific awareness among the student body. The emphasis on the role of science in daily lives and its contribution to societal progress resonated throughout the celebration.

The occasion concluded on a patriotic note with the entire assembly joining in for the singing of the national anthem, fostering a sense of unity and pride among the students and staff.

The National Science Day celebration at St. Aloysius PU College, Harihar, proved to be an inspiring and educational event, encouraging students to appreciate and engage with the world of science.

Report by Sr.Rose James ( Faculty)